Photography Gallery

The Garden Gallery
and other fine photos

My Little Blue Plaid Walk-about Shoes
Let's see where they have taken me...

2011 Garden Projects
Beginning and Progression Photos

South Deck Earth Box Project

One of the Five New Earth Boxes that I Bought
For the South Deck
One of the five Earth Boxes growing strong.

Potato Towers and Growing Potatoes in Straw

Some of the Ten Potato Towers that I Built
These hold Fingerling (Russian Bananas).
The Potatoes are just Starting to Peek Through the Straw
Cover.  Soon I will be Adding More Straw.

Strawberry Towers

Building the Strawberry Towers
Using Stacking Pots found at Goodwill

Strawberry Tower Built and Planted

Strawberry Tower No. 1
Strawberry Tower No. 2

The Tower of Thyme
and other fine herbs and flowers

Lemon Thyme * English Thyme * Mother of Thyme * Lime Thyme * Golden Lemon Thyme
Rosemary * Prostrate Rosemary * Cuban Oregano
Wild Violets of  White * Purple * Fuschia * Yellow
Lobelia * Perrenial Pansy * Million Bells

Tipsy Pots - New Project Underway

Flowers in a Storm Damaged Tree Limb

Thank You for Visiting
The Pen and Broom
Dragn' Rock Farm