Little Known Household Tips to Brighten Your Day

Muddy Puppy Feet
Copyright (c) Marlene Hobart - All Rights Reserved
Mud season has arrived at Dragn' Rock Farm. Snow is almost done melting, ice domes from the frozen earth are spewing out water and liquid clay, and the floors in our house need sweeping and mopping several times a day. We try very hard to walk around the water and mud, but at times, there is no way around it. Dogs and kitty paws, and big mud sloggin' boots bring in a lot of clay in liquid form to decorate the tiles in the entry and the kitchen. However, after a very harrowing weekend of heavy rain and dangerous storms, worrying about the floors seams trivial.

Wisconsin's First Spring Storms Bring Lots of Destruction

Winter has been a bit late in leaving Wisconsin this year. Usually the grass is starting to green up and the lilac buds are getting fat. Because of the heavy snow pack and the low temps, the snow in most of the state still had a huge grip on the land. Our snow mountain was still five to six feet tall and the width of a continent. Water was draining from under it - like a glacier in the arctic - but the flow was still manageable. This weekend though was a game-changer. Friday the temps were in the high 60's mid-state, Saturday in the mid-70's.