Spring, the Color Blue, and my Kitchen Window

Snowmelt Icicles on the Barn
Copyright (c) Marlene Hobart 2010
Around February of every year, I start to have cabin fever. The walls of the house seem to close in, the drapes are too dark, the windows need to have more 'green' coming through and icicles are long on the edges of the barn roof. By March, that cabin fever has become full-blown Spring Fever.  It doesn't help that the weather gets warm, the snow begins to melt, and then we are hit again by snow and sub-zero temps. I just finished working on a video from this year's Junction City Ice Cutting Event in February and had spent a lot of time thinking about the event, the pond, the ice, and how that ice would be used in the hottest of days this summer. Along with that, seed catalogs lay in piles with sticky notes on them, new packets of seeds next to garden plans and bags of potting soil sat frozen on the front porch. It's hard not to get a bit depressed about winter and the cold.