Raining today. The skies are a cool grey and the air smells of wet critters and earth.  When outside the perimeter and protection of the buildings in the courtyard, the wind is sporadic.  It seems to be from the northeast - a bit chill.  I imagine it is pulling cold from the frost still in the ground and from what snow that is left.  There are still patches of snow here and there on the property.  Most of them in the road ditch, with a river of water running underneath, like an ice cave with a river running to some underground lake.  Ours are just running to a culvert that directs to someone else's yard. Some patches of the remaining snow are still quite deep - and dirty - especially in the small wood to the back of the property.  The fields are mud. Especially today. Acres of clay mud muck, sucking slooshy oozing swallow your boot mucky mud.  Full of nutrients for all the weeds that are already greening up.

It's a nice day to be inside, reading a book, or writing a blog.  It's an even better day to be outside playing in the running riverlets (I think I made that word up), in the driveway.  A shovel, boots and soon to be wet and cold garden gloves. 

I love the rain.

Today it will wash all the salt and debris from the paved roads.  It will flow in the ditches and across the fields (into the ditches).  It will give sustenance to the new young plants in the fields, forests, gardens and lawns and it will remove the ice cap from the smaller ponds.  The geese and ducks arriving from the south, and the sandhill cranes and the blue herons will find fields ready for planting with new shoots from last year's crops coming up.  Such delicacies and so very necessary for their journeys. The rain will wash us clean from the long and hard winter.  It will invigorate us and will give us all hope that winter has said it's final goodbye.

Did I say, I love the rain?

I wanted to mop the floors today, but will need to wait until night.  The rain will be the glueing agent for boots and dog paws, that will hold only so long as they can reach the kitchen floor, then drop the precious mud and detritus on the wood and linoleum. A fickle glue at best, but enough to make it messy in the house.  I will see worse, I imagine.  Maybe I should open the doors and windows and let the rain come in to wash away the winter that still exists in my house - the close air from closed windows and heated rooms.  What fun that would be.  But alas, my piano would suffer dearly and the wood floors would curl up and get moldy.  They are afraid of rain. But not me.  Did I tell you...

I love the Rain !

Lily and Dragn Rock Farm

New Name for Jetta Broom

Hello everyone.  If you are a follower of this blog, I am sure that you have noticed a big change to the name. Let me explain:

When we started this blog several years ago, it fell under the auspices of our company called The Jetta Broom Company - and so that was how we picked out the name.  Not the best choice and if you look at how it would fair in an SEO comparison, well it was right down near the bottom.  However, when you did a search for the word Jetta, we fell in the first 15 pages.  Not bad, but who would search for the word Jetta unless you were looking for car parts....

So after a few name discussions we decided to rename the blog - The Pen and The Broom.  It does kind of get us where we want to be in naming and still keeps a certain part of the company name in place.  But The Broom covers more than a company name. In so many ways we sweep things around, gather them up and throw them in a receptacle to be taken out to the trash or the compost.  One place the gatherings take up space and do no one any good and the other; ferments, breaks down into it's organics, and in turn, feeds and helps to energize new life.

When we at Drag'n Rock Farm, start sweeping up the ideas with our mind brooms, all that information and imagery falls into the compost pile of fertile ideas that feed our creativity. What happens then is all up to The Pen. And so we renamed our site to reflect our ideals and our hopes for what is to come.  We ask you to continue to visit with us and even lend a hand at times with articles that you may want us to consider for posting.  Thank you and...


Drag'n Rock Farm
Marlene Hobart
Jetta Broom

New Designs coming to Lily Pip

New cable design
Winter winds are blowing through the courtyard at Dragn' Rock Farm today, but the house and workshop are warm and comfortable.

We returned late yesterday from a wonderful stay at my daughter's. While I was there, I worked up several designs for new winter scarves that I will be setting for sale on the Lily Pip Forest Etsy shop. To the left is one of those designs. The scarf will be approximately 54" long when completed and will have a large carved wooden button on one end and a buttonhole on the other so that it can be wrapped as a cowl.

I have some of the same kind of yarn for more scarves in off white and oatmeal and another yarn that contains wool and alpaca in tangerine. Each will have it's own design that is unique to the yarn's loft and even to it's color. I use a double thread in the design above and large knitting needles so it works up quickly and results in a fabric that is thick and extra warm for those cold, windy days when you need to venture outside.

I love going to the yarn shop. There are so many beautiful yarns and I come up with more and more design ideas just from touching the skeins and comparing the fibers. My mother and my aunts and my grandmothers all taught me how to manipulate thread - be it yarn for sweaters, floss for embroidery, cotton for doilies, or fabric for clothing. Not until I ventured into a yarn shop, did I truly appreciate the history and the deep craftsmanship that went into every fiber, whether man-made, plant or animal derived.

So if you like this design - check out my shop:

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